This is a custom polished aluminum crossflow double pass baffled radiator we built for a 1957 Chevy Nomad. This customer came to us because the car was overheating to temperatures as high as 240-250 degrees. This is where the term Motor Mission Steals 70 degrees from the ’57 came from. In the winter time the customer reports that the car consistently run in the 160-170 degree range while in the summer time is sits comfortably at the 190-200 degree range. This is a complete custom polished aluminum hot rod street / strip muscle car radiator with a matching polished aluminum electric fan shroud, 2 high performance Spal electric fans, and a complete polished aluminum core support assembly as well. This combination is available for all TriFive 1955, 1956, and 1957 Chevy cars such as those that can be seen at and many other places. Motor Mission Machine & Radiator 5435 Desert Point Dr. Las Vegas, Nv. 89118 Phone: (702) 649-2366 or (702) 649-0648 Fax: (702) 649-4133