Here are some of our radiators, coolers, and a fuel tank that we just finished overhauling, cleaning, and rebuilding that we have on display in front of our shop for attendees of the 2016 MinExpo to come and look at while here in Las Vegas, Nv. The first radiator on the left is a LeTourneau L1850 loader Mesabi style radiator and oil cooler assembly. The next radiator which is painted orange is for an Atlas Copco Pit Viper Series 351 drill rig. The radiator has mechanically bonded (MB) continued flat fin style radiator cores which are similar to a locomotive radiator. The next radiator is a Caterpillar 793D Mesabi style haul truck radiator while the next radiator is a Caterpillar 793C folded core style haul truck radiator. The next piece of equipment or part is a fuel tank off of a Caterpillar 993K loader which is similar but smaller than the 994K loader that Caterpillar has on display at their booth here at the 2016 MinExpo. Then we have two hydraulic oil coolers which are off of a Hitachi EX5500 hydraulic shovel which is similar to but smaller than the EX5600 shovel that Hitachi has on display in their booth here as well. And then on the pallets in the left side of the picture is an aluminum oil cooler for a DML drill rig, some Caterpillar D10 dozer modular radiator cores, and another aluminum oil cooler. Motor Mission Machine & Radiator 5435 Desert Point Dr. Las Vegas, Nv. 89118 Ph: (702) 649-2366 or (702) 649-0648 Fax: (702) 649-4133