Got EGR? Here’s an aluminum intake plenum & EGR (exhaust gas recirculatuon) cooler off of a Ford Powerstroke diesel engine. We get these in quite often for cleaning. When they come in they are heavily carboned up internally which drastically restricts their flow. The carbon build-up is mostly due to excessive idling or not operating the engine on the highway long enough for the regen regeneration process to properly cycle & take place. If your vehicle has a DPF (diesel particulate filter) and requires DEF (diesel exhaust fluid) you might have experienced this problem. We can handle any engine, parts, & cooling system components cleaning you might need. We have a hot tank, boil out tanks, ultrasonic cleaning tanks, a thermal cleaning oven, a shotblaster shot blaster, and sandblasters sand blasters that we use for numerous cleaning operations. Motor Mission Machine & Radiator 5435 Desert Point Dr. Las Vegas, Nv. 89118 Phone: (702) 649-2366 or (702) 649-0648 Fax: (702) 649-4133