Here’s some random pics of some large mining equipment radiators submerged in our test tank for a thorough pressure test. In these pics are a Caterpillar 789B folded core haul truck radiator, a Caterpillar 793C folded core haul truck radiator, a Komatsu 830E Mesabi-style haul truck radiator, and a Caterpillar 793D NGMR, next generation modular core, haul truck radiator. After we complete the rebuild on all of our radiators we then put them through a one hour pressure test at low pressure and another hour under high pressure to ensure they have zero leaks.
Motor Mission Machine & Radiator 5435 Desert Point Dr. Las Vegas, Nv. 89118 Phone: (702) 649-2366 or (702) 649-0648 Fax: (702) 649-4133