Here’s some pics of a gas tank that came in for cleaning & repair due to rotten & varnished gas inside the tank. We eneded up having to cut the tank apart because the fuel pick-up tube was plugged solid. The internal reservoir at the end of the pick-up tube was plastic & housed a filter screen which are not accessible without cutting the tank apart. In order to salvage the tank we duplicated the plastic reservoir out of metal & soldered it in place. We did not incorporate an internal filter screen as an external serviceable filter will be installed on the outlet feed line before the fuel pump. Since we had the tank cut apart we blasted the upper & lower tank halves to remove all the varnished gas that had built up on the inside surfaces of the tank. After we got the tank all welded back together & tested we gave it a coat of black textured underbody coating.
5435 Desert Point Dr. Las Vegas, Nv. 89118 Ph: (702) 649-2366 or (702) 649-0648 Fax: (702) 649-4133