Here’s some pics of some of the jobs we have going on in the radiator shop. We have a Caterpillar 793C mining haul truck radiator going together. A good size aluminum oil cooler that came in for cleaning & repair. Another decent sized aluminum oil cooler getting the final details. A decent sized Mesabi radiator that’s covered in oil & dirt getting all the tubes removed & disassembled. A polished aluminum radiator that came in for some modifications because it doesn’t quite fit in our customers car like they want. & there’s a class 8 semi truck bolt-on radiator that took some damage to the tubes & fins of the core that either needs repaired or recored.
5435 Desert Point Dr. Las Vegas, Nv. 89118 Ph: (702) 649-2366 or (702) 649-0648 Fax: (702) 649-4133