Industrial & Heavy Equipment

Caterpillar 16G and 16H Grader Axle, Circle and Drawbar Repair and Rebuilding

Here’s some parts we're in the process of repairing & rebuilding. The red piece is a spindle housing for the front axle. It's painted red with dye for crack detection. The yellow piece is a circle & the raw piece is a drawbar. They are all for Caterpillar 16G or 16H graders. Motor Mission Machine [...]

2021-12-18T01:44:55+00:00December 18th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 16G Grader Axle Repair and Rebuilding

This is a Caterpillar 16G grader axle we delivered back to one of our customers. The axle was completely disassembled and all the bores machined, welded & bored back to the spec size. After all the pieces & parts were rebuilt we assembled the complete axle assembly with all new pins, bushings, seals & hardware. [...]

2021-12-10T02:55:56+00:00December 10th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 793C A-Frame and Fuel Tank, 789B Folded Core Radiators and 993K or 994K AMOCS Modular Radiator Cores

Here's a load of Caterpillar mining equipment parts we picked up for repair & rebuilding. Some of these parts will be available for exchange. On the front of the trailer is an A-Frame assembly & a fuel tank for a 793C haul truck. The two radiators with AC condensers are for a 789B haul truck. [...]

2021-12-09T00:37:31+00:00December 9th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Gouged Caterpillar Grader Circle Surface Welding Buildup For Machining

This is a Caterpillar 16G grader circle we're repairing. The surface is worn & gouged where the shims ride. We're welding the surface to build it up & fill in all the low spots. Machining the surface flat & smooth is up next. Motor Mission Machine & Radiator 5435 Desert Point Dr. Las Vegas, Nv. [...]

2021-12-08T02:14:35+00:00December 8th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 16G Grader Circle Segments Replacing and Surface Machining

This is a Caterpillar 16G Grader Circle that we have in with the drawbar & moldboard for repairs & rebuilding. The teeth were worn & damaged so we cut the bad ones out & welded in some new segments. The next step is to weld the damaged & worn areas of the top surface & [...]

2021-12-03T06:05:14+00:00December 3rd, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 994K Loader Hardnose Cooling Module Package

This is a Caterpillar 994K loader hardnose radiator & cooling system components package. We removed the twenty one radiator cores, two aftercoolers, two transmission oil coolers, five steering coolers, rear brake cooler & AC condenser for cleaning & repairs. The hardnose was cleaned inside & out, inspected for cracks & welded where necessary. It was [...]

2021-11-19T22:04:20+00:00November 19th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar D11T Dozer Hardnose Rebuild With Mesabi Radiator and Cooling System Components

It's been a long tiring weekend but our crew endured the grind to get this project done. It's a hardnose, or nosecone, assembly off of a Caterpillar D11T dozer. Inside the hardnose is a Mesabi Radiator, two aluminum aftercoolers, an aluminum hydraulic oil cooler, the fan blade & hydraulic fan motor along with numerous other [...]

2021-11-15T17:03:55+00:00November 15th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 793C Mining Haul Truck Fuel Tank Cleaning, Repairing and Rebuilding

Here’s a Caterpillar 793C mining haul truck fuel tank we delivered back to one of our mining customers. This fuel tank came in due to a leak from some cracks. We repaired the internal baffles along with the cracks in the outer walls of the tank. The fuel tank is all sealed up & ready [...]

2021-11-12T01:37:50+00:00November 12th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 994K Loader Hardnose Radiators, Oil Coolers and Cooling System Assembly

This is a hardnose assembly off of a Caterpillar 994K loader that we have in for a complete overhaul. The nosecone houses twenty one aluminum radiator cores, two transmission oil coolers, two aftercoolers, a rear brake cooler, five steering oil coolers & an AC condenser. Twenty thousand pounds of pieces & parts & lots of [...]

2021-10-28T16:26:55+00:00October 28th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 6060 Shovel Air Conditioner Box Assembly Unit By Sigma

This is an air conditioner box unit for a Caterpillar 6060 Shovel we did a complete rebuild to. The air conditioning unit is made by Sigma & most of the parts have to come out of Australia. We replaced the filter drier, the receiver drier, the three electric fan motors & the plastic fan blades. [...]

2021-10-27T16:59:44+00:00October 27th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|