Industrial & Heavy Equipment

Caterpillar 793D Hydraulic Tank and Fuel Tank Cleaning and Repairing

Here's a couple of Caterpillar tanks we cleaned, repaired & overhauled. The smaller one is a hydraulic tank off of a Caterpillar 793D haul truck. The larger one is a fuel tank for either a 793C or a 793D Cat haul truck. Both tanks came in with leaks from structural damage. We repaired & straightened [...]

2021-05-28T01:04:23+00:00May 28th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar H140D Hydraulic Hammer Rocke Breaker Repair Rebuilder

Here's another hydraulic hammer we repaired & delivered back to our customer. This rock breaker is a Caterpillar H140D that is used on an excavator. We completely disassembled it for cleaning & repairs. The housing had some cracks that needed hogged out & welded up as well. Motor Mission Machine & Radiator 5435 Desert Point [...]

2021-05-19T02:24:16+00:00May 19th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Cat 16M Grader Axle Welding, Repairing and Rebuilding

Here's some pics of the spindle housing for a Caterpillar 16M grader axle we're rebuilding. The machined areas of the housing were worn & damaged. We welded the worn areas up & then surfaced & machined them on our Rottler CNC machine. The recessed area was machined using circular interpolation. Motor Mission Machine & Radiator [...]

2021-05-14T02:24:48+00:00May 14th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 16M Grader Circle Drawbar Welding, Machining and Fabrication

This is a grader circle drawbar we are fabricating & building from scratch. This drawbar will be fitted to a Caterpillar 16M grader circle assembly. The plate was cut to shape with all the necessary holes & shapes in the waterjet. All the pieces are being welded in place & all the threads are being [...]

2021-05-06T23:54:48+00:00May 6th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 993K Loader Shell and Tube Oil Cooler Heat Exchanger Cleaning and Repairing

This is a shell-&-tube heat exchanger that came in for cleaning, repairing & pressure testing. This heat exchanger is an oil cooler for a Caterpillar 993K loader. The tubes were plugged internally with debris & the shell side was gunked up as well. After a good cleaning & flushing it pressure tested good for another [...]

2021-05-01T16:55:09+00:00May 1st, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Kenworth W900 Class Eight Semi Truck Hendrickson Walking Beam Suspension Repairing and Rebuilding

Here's some Hendrickson Walking Beams we rebuilt for a Kenworth W900 semi truck. We cleaned & checked the walking beams for cracks after pressing all the old worn bushings out. We then gave them a fresh paint job & pressed in some new bushings. Motor Mission Machine & Radiator 5435 Desert Point Dr. Las Vegas, [...]

2021-04-28T04:44:36+00:00April 28th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 793C Haul Truck Steering Belllcrank YLink Tapered Bores and Split Bore Repair and Sleeving

This is a couple of steering bellcranks or y-links that we repaired & reconditioned. They are for a Caterpillar 793C haul truck. The two smaller bores are tapered on the ID so we sleeve those with flanged tapered bore sleeves. The other bore is a split bore which we sleeve with a flanged split sleeve. [...]

2021-03-20T04:14:44+00:00March 20th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 793F Haul Truck Mesabi Radiator with Aftercoolers and 16G Grader Circle and Drawbar Assembly Repair and Rebuilding

Here's some Caterpillar mining equipment parts we picked up for repair and rebuilding. On the front of the trailer is a 793F haul truck Mesabi radiator with aftercoolers. On the back of the trailer is a 16G grader circle and drawbar assembly with the blade and in the middle of the trailer is a Clark [...]

2021-03-18T22:57:17+00:00March 18th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Komatsu WA1200 Fuel Cooler, Cat D10T Dozer Equalizer Bar and Caterpillar 16H Grader Tandem Chain Case Housing

Here's a delivery of some heavy equipment mining parts we repaired, machined & rebuilt. On the front of the trailer is a fuel cooler with the hydraulic fan assembly for a Komatsu WA1200 loader. On the middle of the trailer is an equalizer bar for a Cat D10T dozer. & on the back of the [...]

2021-02-26T00:54:33+00:00February 26th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Cat 793C Bellcrank Y-Link, Fuel Tank and Radiator and John Deere Backhoe Hydraulic Cylinders Repair and Rebuild

Here's a load of yellow iron. On the front of our trailer is a Caterpillar 793C haul truck Bellcrank Y-Link that we welded & line bored the bores back to spec on. The fuel tank & radiator are also for a 793C & they both got a complete cleaning, repair & overhaul. On the back [...]

2021-02-24T00:34:52+00:00February 24th, 2021|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|