Industrial & Heavy Equipment

Caterpillar 785 Radiator, 793C Fuel Tank, and Hitachi EX5500 Shovel Hydraulic Oil Coolers Repair and Overhaul

Here's some pics of a load of parts we delivered to one of our mining customers after we got the parts rebuilt. The yellow radiator sitting sideways on the front of the trialer is a Caterpillar 785 haul truck folded core style cooling module that we completely overhauled. The two black heat exchangers on the [...]

2018-01-31T06:55:58+00:00January 31st, 2018|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 993K Loader Fuel Tank and 793C Folded Core Radiator Pick-Up For Repairs and Overhaul

Here's a couple pics of a pick-up we made at one of the mines. On the front of the trailer is a Caterpillar 993K loader fuel tank that is leaking and needs repaired. Behind the fuel tank is eight Caterpillar folded radiator cores which are part number 2W5540 for rod and repair. And on the [...]

2018-01-18T05:25:35+00:00January 18th, 2018|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar D10T Dozer Fuel Tank Repair

Here's some pics of a Caterpillar D10T dozer fuel tank we repaired. The tank came in because the dozer would quit running at half a tank of fuel. After we got it cleaned up we cut into it and found the pick-up tube was cracked along with several cracked and bent baffles. We repaired all [...]

2018-01-11T00:04:47+00:00January 11th, 2018|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 785 Radiator, 793C Fuel Tank, and D10T Dozer Fuel Tank Picked Up For Repairs and Rebuilding

Here's some pics of a load of Caterpillar parts we picked up from one of the mines for repairs and rebuilding. On the front of the trailer is a 785 folded core water truck radiator that got changed out with a rebuilt engine. Next is a 793C haul truck fuel tank that is cracked and [...]

2017-12-15T06:24:43+00:00December 15th, 2017|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 793C Fuel Tank, 793C Folded Core Radiator, and 16G Grader Axle Rebuild Repair Delivery

Here's a load of Caterpillar parts we rebuilt and delivered to one of our mine customers. On the front of the trailer is a 793C haul truck fuel tank that we did a lot of welding repairs to. The radiator is a 793C folded core haul truck radiator we did a complete overhaul repair and [...]

2017-12-15T05:33:50+00:00December 15th, 2017|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 789B Radiator Delivery and 789C, 785A, and 994K Radiators Picked Up For Repair

This is a delivery we made to one of our mine customers. We delivered a Caterpillar 789B folded core haul truck radiator that we overhauled. We were fortunate enough to pick up a 789C folded core haul truck radiator, a 785A folded core haul truck radiator, and eighteen 994K loader modular radiator core sections for [...]

2017-12-15T04:51:40+00:00December 15th, 2017|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Cat D10R Dozer Radiator Hardnose Assembly Repair and Rebuild

Here's some pics of a Caterpillar D10R dozer radiator hardnose assembly we did a complete repair and rebuild to. The radiator portion is a Caterpillar AMOCS modular style cooling module that has eleven individual modular radiator cores. The hardnose had some cracks that we had to repair and weld up along with thoroughly cleaning the [...]

2017-12-10T08:10:02+00:00December 10th, 2017|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 16G Grader Axle Welding and Line Boring For New Pins and Bushings

This is a Caterpillar 16G grader axle that we're rebuilding. It came in with worn pins and damaged bores along with some cracks. We welded and repaired the cracks before welding and boring the damged bores with our portable line bore. In these pics we are in the process of putting the complete axle assembly [...]

2017-12-10T07:18:26+00:00December 10th, 2017|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 16M Grader Axle & 793C Folded Core Radiator Picked Up For Repair and Return R&R

Here's some pics of some Caterpillar mining equipment parts we picked up for repair and return. On the front of the trailer is a 793C folded core radiator. On the back of the trailer is a 16M grader front axle. The grader axle needs to have the bores welded and bored with our portable line [...]

2017-11-24T01:57:49+00:00November 24th, 2017|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Catetpillar D10R Dozer Radiator Hardnose Repair & Rebuild

Here's some pics of a Caterpillar D10R Dozer Radiator assembly we're rebuilding. This is referred to as the hardnose assembly and it houses the eleven 119-4774 modular radiator cores. We'll post more pics when we get it all cleaned up and rebuilt. Motor Mission Machine & Radiator 5435 Desert Point Dr. Las Vegas, Nv. 89118 [...]

2017-11-24T00:00:01+00:00November 23rd, 2017|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|