Machine Shop

Custom Special Machining Of A Flanged Split Bore Sleeve Out Of 4140 Carbon Steel On The Lathe

Here’s some pics of a couple of custom or special machining jobs we have going on in the general machining area. The larger piece in the lathe started out from a piece of six and a half inch diameter 4140 carbon steel. The end part will be a flanged sleeve with a slot machined out [...]

2024-05-03T04:54:41+00:00May 3rd, 2024|Machine Shop|

Rottler EM105H CNC Multipurpose Boring and Milling Machine Cleaning, Tramming and Checking

As much as we don't want to stop workflow it is important to take the time to clean & check our machinery on a regular basis. Keeping the machines clean & taking the time to remove the covers to check the ways, gib screws & oiling system ensures we get the best longevity from our [...]

2024-05-01T02:05:16+00:00May 1st, 2024|Machine Shop|

3406 Caterpillar Diesel Cylinder Head Valve Job and Surface Rebuilding

Here's some pics of a 3406 Caterpillar diesel cylinder head we have in for repair. The valve seats are pounded out so this cylinder head will need a complete valve job & surface along with some new valve seat inserts. Rebuilding this head will put it back in like new condition & ready to be [...]

2024-04-17T01:14:23+00:00April 17th, 2024|Machine Shop|

Kodiak Disc Brakes Conversion Hub Spacers Custom Machining

Here’s some before & after pics of some custom hub spacers we machined out of some solid round steel material. The hub spacers are for a Kodiak Disc Brake Conversion Kit for a set of twelve thousand pound Alko trailer axles. Things didn't quite fit & line up like they were supposed to. In order [...]

2024-04-10T06:35:40+00:00April 10th, 2024|Machine Shop|

Swartz SPLS Light Plant Antique Two Stroke Hit N Miss Gas Engine Light Plant Rebuild and Restoration

Here's some pics of an antique hit n miss putt putt engine we are restoring. It is a Swartz SPLS Light plant rig. The engine itself is a two stroke & the generator end only puts out thirty volts. There isn't much information out there on this engine so please contact us if you know [...]

2024-04-03T02:55:09+00:00April 3rd, 2024|Machine Shop|

Custom V Groove Water Pump Pulley Machining Out Of Billet Aluminum To A Smaller Diameter For High Performance Cooling

Here's some pics of a custom pulley we machined for a big block Chevy. Most of the custom pulley machining we do is done out of a solid piece of billet aluminum round stock. This pulley is machined to a smaller diameter than what is available off the shelf from the normal suppliers. The smaller [...]

2024-03-28T23:34:22+00:00March 28th, 2024|Machine Shop|

Tire Handler PTO Hydraulic Pump Custom Splined Driveshafts Machining and Heat Treating

Here’s some pics of a project we completed for some custom splined shafts. The shafts drive the PTO from a hydraulic pump for a tire handler that is used for lifting large mining equipment tires. The shafts required an external spline on one end & an internal spline on the other end. After all the [...]

2024-03-19T23:04:38+00:00March 19th, 2024|Machine Shop|

Honda TRX 450 Aluminum Cylinder Head Machining and Oil Tank Welding Repair

Here are some before, during & after pics of a Honda TRX 450 aluminum cylinder head & oil tank we repaired & machined. The cylinder head got blasted clean, a valve job & then the deck surfaced. The oil tank needed the threaded bung prepped & welded back in place. A final pressure test insured [...]

2024-03-01T00:14:39+00:00March 1st, 2024|Machine Shop|

Caterpillar 16M Grader Axle Bore Welding and Machining Repairs and Premium Rebuilding

Here’s some pics of some Caterpillar 16M Grader Axles we're in the process of repairing & rebuilding. All the bores are first machined, or bored, oversize until they are perfectly round & straight on our multipurpose cnc boring & milling machine. We then build the material back up in the bores by welding the ID [...]

2024-02-23T04:05:29+00:00February 23rd, 2024|Machine Shop|

Old Antique Vintage Continental Forklift Water Pump Repair, Machining and Rebuilding

Here’s some before & after pics of an old, maybe antique or vintage, Continental engine water pump off of a forklift. Our customer thought it was an old Hyster forklift. He sent the pump to a couple of other places to have it repaired only to be told that it was not repairable. He did [...]

2024-02-14T03:04:14+00:00February 14th, 2024|Machine Shop|