Caterpillar 793F Haul Truck Mesabi Radiator Rebuilding and Cooling Module Assembly
Here’s some pics of a Caterpillar 793F haul truck Mesabi radiator going together during our rebuild process. After the radiator itself is rebuilt & pressure tested we assemble the rest of the parts to it. [...]
Caterpillar Grader Circle Drive Motor, Mine Mill Heat Exchangers and RV Diesel Pusher Motorhome Radiator Delivery
Here’s some pics of some parts we delivered back to our customers after we completed the repairs & rebuilds. On the front of the trailer is an RV diesel pusher motorhome radiator that we recored. [...]
Caterpillar Grader Circle Drive Motor Repair and Rebuild
Here's some pics of the internals of a Caterpillar grader circle drive motor while we were assembling it during the rebuild process. This one had a damaged bored internally that we had to repair & [...]
RV Diesel Pusher Motorhome Radiator Repairing and Recoring
Here's some random pics of an RV diesel pusher motorhome radiator we're recoring. The old core has seen better days as it has extensive fin damage as well as some leaking tubes. We'll be recoring [...]
Miscellaneous And Random Radiators From Old Antique To Modern Industrial And Commercial
Here's pics of some random radiators we have in the shop. These radiators range from a 1920's American LaFrance up to some modern industrial & commercial type radiators. Old or New, Big or Small, We [...]
Caterpillar 16G Grader Circle Drive Motor Repairing and Rebuilding
Here's a few pics of a Caterpillar 16G grader circle drive motor we have in for rebuilding. One of the bores that houses one of the internal bearings was worn out-of-round which allowed the bearing [...]
Caterpillar 793C Mining Haul Truck Folded Core Radiator Service
Here's a few pics of a delivery & pick-up we made to one of our mining customers. We delivered a Caterpillar 793C haul truck Radiator that we rebuilt & picked up a used one for [...]
Caterpillar 793F Mesabi Radiator Rebuilding and Assembly
Here's a few pics of a Caterpillar 793F Mesabi Radiator we're in the process of assembling. The 793F Radiator has right at a thousand individual Mesabi tubes. Each tube has been cleaned inside & out [...]
Caterpillar 793C Mining Haul Truck Folded Core Radiator Rebuilding
Here's some pics during the rebuilding assembly process all the way to completion of a Caterpillar 793C haul truck radiator. After all sixty folded radiator cores are installed into the tanks & side frames the [...]
Caterpillar 793C Mining Haul Truck Folded Core Radiator Rebuilding
Here’s a couple pics of a Caterpillar 793C haul truck radiator we finished rebuilding. All sixty of the individual folded radiator cores received a rod & repair before being assembled into the tanks & side [...]
Caterpillar 793F Mining Haul Truck Mesabi Radiator
Here’s a couple pics of a Caterpillar 793F haul truck radiator we overhauled. This one is a Mesabi radiator with just under a thousand individual radiator tubes. Along with the radiator are the aftercoolers & [...]
Arctic Wildcat XX and Yamaha YXZ Cylinder Head Surface Machining
This is a Yamaha cylinder head off of an Arctic Wildcat XX that came in needing some machining due to being overheated. The surface, or deck, of the head was warped & twisted. We surfaced [...]