Industrial & Heavy Equipment

Caterpillar 793C Hitch Pin A-Frame Yoke Replacement and Heat Exchanger Oil Cooler Delivery

This is a delivery we made to one of our mining customers of a heat exchanger oil cooler & a Caterpillar 793C A-Frame assembly. The hitch pin bore was broke out on the a-frame. So we cut the yoke end out of the two support legs & welded in a new #229-7378 yoke assembly. The [...]

2022-04-15T03:04:24+00:00April 15th, 2022|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar Loader and Rubber Tire Dozer Pinion and Trunnion Support Machining Repair

Here's some Trunnion Supports & a Pinion Support we repaired. These parts are off of Loaders & RTD's (Rubber Tire Dozers). The trunnions come in with the bores, flanges & surfaces worn & fretted (pitted). We first machine all the surfaces & machine all the bores so they can be welded back up. We then [...]

2022-03-24T12:04:43+00:00March 24th, 2022|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar V550D Tire Handler 3208 V8 Diesel Engine

This is a 3208 Caterpillar V8 diesel engine out of a V550D Tire Handler. The engine came in all in pieces in a couple of boxes. The cylinders were worn, the deck heights of the block were both below the minimum & the heads were also below the minimum thicknesses. We sourced a replacement block [...]

2022-03-23T02:04:32+00:00March 23rd, 2022|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 834H Hardnose Nosecone Cooling Package Radiators and Coolers Overhaul

This is the Caterpillar 834H hardnose, or nosecone, cooling package we picked up & posted earlier this week. We got all the modular AMOCS radiator cores, oil coolers & air-to-air coolers all cleaned, repaired, rebuilt or replaced & re-installed into the hardnose. The hydraulic fan motor was replaced as well as all the hydraulic hoses. [...]

2022-03-18T14:34:52+00:00March 18th, 2022|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 834H Hardnose Nosecone Cooling Package Repairing and Rebuilding

This is the hardnose, or nosecone, cooling package off of a Caterpillar 834H we picked up for a complete repair & rebuild. All the cooling system components will be removed for cleaning, pressure testing, repair & re-pressure testing before final re-assembly of all the components back into the hardnose. Motor Mission Machine & Radiator 5435 [...]

2022-03-16T14:56:00+00:00March 16th, 2022|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar Grader Circle Carrier Bore Machining, Welding and Line Boring Repair

This is a carrier off of a Caterpillar 16G grader circle. The carrier goes between the blade, or moldboard, & the circle assembly so it takes a pretty good beating. The bores were worn & kinda welded but not all the way around with a bore welder. So we first machine the bores a bit [...]

2022-03-04T00:34:23+00:00March 4th, 2022|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 993K Loader Hardnose Cooling Package Repair and Rebuild

Here’s some pics of a Caterpillar 993K loader hardnose cooling package we're in the process of repairing & rebuilding. The upper left rear corner of the hardnose, or nosecone, had some damage. We ended up cutting the damaged section out to straighten it & then welded it back in place. In these pics the Caterpillar [...]

2022-02-28T15:55:08+00:00February 28th, 2022|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 993K Loader Hardnose Nosecone Cooling System Package

Here’s some pics of a Caterpillar 993K loader hardnose, or nosecone, cooling package that's in for a complete overhaul. The oil coolers are leaking which has caused some major build up of dirt & mud within the fins of the eighteen modular AMOCS radiator cores externally. In addition to the external plugging, there is an [...]

2022-02-08T02:14:01+00:00February 8th, 2022|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 793C Wheel Hub Assembly Bore Machining, Welding, Sleeving and Boring

Here's some pics of a Caterpillar 793C wheel assembly we completed. These come in with the bores wore out. When the bores get worn the race doesn't fit tightly and moves around. We machine the bores & either weld them or sleeve them & then machine the bores back to the proper specification or bore [...]

2022-02-03T00:36:23+00:00February 3rd, 2022|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar Mining Equipment Repair and Rebuilding Services

Here's some pics of some parts we picked up for repair & rebuilding. On the back of the trailer is a grader circle & drawbar assembly with the moldboard for a Caterpillar 16M grader. In the middle of the trailer is the hydraulic circle drive motor assembly. Then on the front of the trailer is [...]

2022-01-13T00:25:13+00:00January 13th, 2022|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|