Industrial & Heavy Equipment

Caterpillar 793C Haul Truck Brake Coolers Delivery to the Mines In The Snow

These are some pictures of the delivery we made of the Caterpillar 793C haul truck brake coolers. The coldest temperature we saw was -8 degrees Fahrenheit and visibility was as little as 20 yards at times. However when the mines call and they have a piece of equipment down and it is considered [...]

2017-01-11T05:48:26+00:00January 9th, 2017|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 793 Haul Truck Hydraulic Brake Cooling System Shell-and-Tube Oil Coolers Part Number 243-5770 and OR-9850 Repair

Here's some before and after pics of some shell-and-tube hydraulic brake system oil coolers off of a Caterpillar 793C haul truck. These coolers came in for repairing and rebuilding as they were filthy dirty and leaking. We completely disassembled them and then boiled them out in our ultrasonic cleaning tank and hot tank [...]

2017-01-11T05:48:46+00:00January 9th, 2017|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 793 Haul Truck Brake Cooler Part Number 243-5774 Shell-and-Tube Oil Cooler

This is a shell-and-tube oil cooler off of a Caterpillar 793C haul truck. The part number of this oil cooler is 243-5774 and it is part of the brakes cooling system. We completely disassembled this cooler and then flushed it all out internally and externally of the tubes. We also rodded the tubes [...]

2017-01-11T05:49:14+00:00January 9th, 2017|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 789 Haul Truck Folded Core Radiator And Aluminum Drill Rig Oil Cooler For Rebuilding And Overhaul

Here is a couple jobs we picked up from one of our mining customers in northern Nevada. On the front of our trailer is a Caterpillar 789B folded core style haul truck radiator. On the back of our trailer is an aluminum oil cooler off of a drill rig. The oil cooler is [...]

2017-01-11T05:49:27+00:00January 9th, 2017|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Hitachi EX5500 Shovel Radiator Pressure Testing & Complete Overhaul Rebuild

This is a Hitachi EX5500 shovel radiator that we are doing a complete overhaul and rebuild to. This radiator is a dual radiator assembly that consists of a high temperature radiator and a low temperature radiator. In these pics one half of the radiator is in our test tank being pressure tested while [...]

2017-01-03T06:01:35+00:00January 2nd, 2017|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Spare Swing Caterpillar 793 Mesabi Style Haul Truck Radiator Rebuild & Overhaul For Exchange

This is a Caterpillar 793D Mesabi style haul truck radiator we're in the process of rebuilding. This is our spare 793 radiator that we're doing a complete overhaul to. Once we finish the rebuild on this radiator it will sit in our yard until a mine that runs the Cat 793D haul truck [...]

2016-12-19T18:47:15+00:00December 17th, 2016|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 994F Loader Hydraulic & Steering Oil Cooler Cleaning, Flushing, & Repair

This is a post of some Caterpillar 994F loader hydraulic oil cooler & steering oil cooler for cleaning & flushing at Motor Mission Machine & Radiator. There are some pics before we did any cleaning as soon as the oil coolers came in. Then there are some pics of the oil coolers after [...]

2016-12-17T19:44:04+00:00December 14th, 2016|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Komatsu 930E haul truck with Mesabistyle radiator

Here's a Komatsu 930E haul truck being transported that we came across while making a trip to our mining customers to deliver & pick up some radiators. The 930 haul truck has a Mesabi style radiator which is similar to the Mesabi style radiators we've been overhauling & rebuilding for the 830 haul [...]

2016-12-13T23:30:34+00:00December 13th, 2016|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Atlas Copco Pit Viper 351 drill rig radiator & fuel cooler repair & Caterpillar 793 Radiator Rebuild & overhaul

    Here's a couple of radiators we rebuilt & delivered to one of our mining customers. The orange radiator is off of an Atlas Copco Pit Viper 351 drill rig. The yellow radiator is off of a Caterpillar 793C haul truck. The Pit Viper radiator has flat continued fin MB (mechanically bonded) [...]

2016-12-13T06:22:15+00:00December 13th, 2016|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|

Caterpillar 854K RTD AMOCS Radiator,Oil Coolers, & Air-to-air Coolers Rebuild & Overhaul

This is a Caterpillar 854K rubber tire wheel dozer hardnose assembly with an AMOCS style radiator, two oil coolers, & two charge-air-coolers that we rebuilt. The two CAC's had leaks in the cores due to cracked tubes so we ended up recoring both of them. The radiator cores we were able to rod [...]

2016-12-12T03:17:39+00:00December 11th, 2016|Industrial & Heavy Equipment|